Introduction to Wholegrain Baking
This introductory online series of recorded workshops is highly recommended before considering purchasing the Advanced Wholegrain Baking Course. This course includes six recorded Zoom workshops, handouts, and recipes. Please read the description carefully before making a purchase.
Are you an experienced or beginning baker interested in incorporating more whole grains into your repertoire? Have you always wanted to know more about using heirloom wheats, modern wheats, pseudo-cereals, and ancient grains for rich flavor, improved digestibility, and increased nutrition?
This course is designed to give you a foundational understanding of various wheats, their performance and flavors, and how to ferment and bake with them as wholegrain flour, especially in combination with other types of non-wheat grains and flours. Each of the six virtual workshops corresponds with handouts to help you embrace the joys and idiosyncrasies of regional whole grain baking. The workshops and recipes are developed with North American stoneground regional flours but with some modifications, the information can be applied to other sources.
These foundational recipes are exercises meant to explore the unique textures, performance, and flavors of whole grains as the star ingredient in seasonal bakes. Additionally, you will receive a link to schedule a personal one-on-one 30 minute consultation with Sarah at any time to help you troubleshoot or answer any questions.
This is an intensive course that was hosted through Zoom. Once your purchase is made, you will receive an email with the recording links, and handouts and recipes in PDF format.
Part I: Stoneground Flour and Sourdough Starter
We will begin by categorizing and discussing the many grains and seeds that will be the focus of this course based upon their intended use in breads and pastries. Emphasis will be upon:
- Sourcing, home milling, and storing whole grain flours.
- Creating and maintaining a wholegrain sourdough starter for making breads, cakes, cookies, and more!
- Creating a fermentation schedule that works with your lifestyle.
- Fermenting with whole grains.
- Adapting to the variations that are inherent in using regional flours with a focus on ingredients commonly available from North American stone mills.
Part II: Wholegrain Cakes, Cookies, and Crusts
This workshop will revolve around techniques for using wholegrain flours in both easy, straightforward mix-and-bake pastry recipes as well as their fermented counterparts. We will build upon knowledge from Part I by discussing flour substitutions and adaptations using recipes that are perfectly timed for the holidays. Demonstrations and discussion will revolve around:
- Soft wheats suitable for pastry flour.
- Wholegrain Coffee Cake and variations.
- Wholegrain Chocolate Chip Cookie and flour and sourdough variations.
- Wholegrain Pie Crust with flour, sourdough, and savory filling variations.
Part III: Sourdough Flatbreads
One of the best ways to develop an appreciation for wholegrain flours and their performance is through using them to make easy flatbreads with an endless assortment of seasonal variations! Demonstrations and discussion will revolve around:
- Protein quality and gluten formation in flour.
- Wholegrain focaccia-style breads with flour and topping variations.
- Wholegrain pizza dough and various styles of baking.
Part IV: Naturally Leavened Pan Loaves
As your experience with various whole grains grows, it is time to graduate into using single varieties and combinations of whole grains in naturally-leaved breads for slicing. With the support of a baking pan, we will build confidence in working with high-hydration wheat and low or no-gluten doughs. Demonstrations and discussion will revolve around:
- Gluten and gel forming flours.
- Expectations for using heirloom and ancient grains in pan loaves.
- Dough formulas and adjusting leaven to control outcomes.
- Combining various whole grain flours to adjust oven spring and crumb structure.
- 100% single variety breads.
- Shaping high-hydration doughs.
Scoring (or lack thereof!) and baking.
Part IV: Naturally Leavened Hearth Loaves
Unlike with pan loaves, hearth loaves depend upon the strength and structure of gluten containing flours to provide loft and height to a loaf with pleasing oven spring. Demonstrations and discussion will revolve around:
- The terroir and performance of heirloom and modern wheats.
- How to combine strong or high-gluten whole wheat flours with non or low-gluten flours to achieve your desired results.
- Shaping high-hydration doughs.
Scoring and baking.
Part V: Bread Dough Inclusions
Sourdough breads are a canvas for incorporating other ingredients including nuts, seeds, fruit, and vegetables. This session will focus on how to approach incorporating inclusions and what adjustments need to be made when doing so. Demonstrations and discussion will revolve around:
- Toasting and/or presoaking nuts and seeds.
- Incorporating dried fruit.
- Incorporating roasted vegetables, olives, preserved lemon, herbs, etc.
- Developing dough strength.
- Adjusting hydration of dough to accommodate inclusions.
Shaping, scoring, and baking with inclusions.
No refunds or credits. Please read carefully before making a purchase.